The past is dead
The people from that time gone
The glowy nostalgia irrecoverable
Having failed to seize the moment
The only option I have is to slowly rebuild
An inward spiral
Again, the people
Are gone
Moved to different states
No longer the same people
I don’t even like to spend time with them anymore
Just my truck and my family and the long and lonesome walk
That I’ve made a million times before
Dawns and sunsets that I still don’t understand
Still unable to capture
The significance and meaning in the streetlamps buzz
And to go back
After having missed the angelic trumpet moment
(the one true moment when it was right to return)
I am left with a feeling
of having crested the wave
of having missed the opportunity to act
the desire for a room and silence and time
is all I want now
a place to savor and remember
to bear witness
to save a little something from oblivion
a sliver of what has forever departed.